Pasific Club
Pasific Club
Pasific Club

Poster and Type design for new short film PACIFIC CLUB. We created the logo type, credits and with @ceheivi the poster design.
Film by Valentin Noujaïm
Produced by @iliadeetfilms


Goethe University Lecture
Goethe University Lecture
Goethe University Lecture
Goethe University Lecture

Poster and exhibition flyer design for Goethe University lecture series „Deutsche sind Schwarz! Faschisten können keine Deutschen sein. Schwarze und queere Perspektiven auf deutsche Geschichte, Politik und Kultur“ @studiengalerie1.357 @goetheunifrankfur by James Gregory Atkinson and Antje Krause-Wahl.

The Hotel Show
The Hotel Show
The Hotel Show
The Hotel Show

Broshure & digital poster for the exhibition ‚The Hotel Show‘ at Pearl Hotel Frankfurt.
Curated by @alkeheykes @seda.pesen @sarita_ma_mu & @anna_lisa_s_

Playa Apotheum

Playa Apotheum

Digital and print poster design for ‘Playa Apotheum Music Festival NY’ 2019.

Digital and print poster design for Kelman Duran’s EU 2019 Tour